Tuesday, 17 April 2007

This is testing my blog from another PC.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

My first post

Welcome to Nina's Big Adventure - my first blog which will record my adventures on my career break. It will include the planning stages, worries, joys, frustrations, and will also cover links and websites which have been useful to me.

The first site has to be explained. Gap Year for Grown Ups is entirely relevant to me as I am not your traditional "gap-year traveller". I am 40 (and a bit) and GYFGU offers a wide range of projects and adventures which are aimed at the older-gapper. See www.gapyearforgrownups.co.uk for details.

The second site also has to be explained. I have a spinal condition called Tethered Cord Syndrome which is essentially a weird form of hidden spina bifida. I was facing major spinal surgery and found that there was no information online which was easily readable and comprehensible for the average patient. I did lots of research, wrote the website, had it approved by my neurosurgeon and it is now recognised as the best website in the UK for information on TCS (by Asbah and by readers of it). Please see www.btinternet.com/~tetheredcordresources.

OK I have to sign off now, but there will be a lot more information appearing as and when I get to time. The design of the page may change too, so watch this space!